Resource and Energy Economics, May 2019
Green Table of Contents
Volume 56
Pages 1-112
Special issue - Recent Advances in the Economic Analysis of Energy Demand - Insights for Industries and Households
Recent Advances in Energy Demand Analysis—Insights for Industry and Households
Andreas Löschel, Shunsuke Managi
Pages 1-5
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Chinese residential electricity consumption: Estimation and forecast using micro-data
Jing Cao, Mun Sing Ho, Yating Li, Richard G. Newell, William A. Pizer
Pages 6-27
Cultural worldviews, institutional rules and the willingness to participate in green energy programs
Todd L. Cherry, David M. McEvoy, Hege Westskog
Pages 28-38
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Boundedly rational consumers, energy and investment literacy, and the display of information on household appliances
Julia Blasch, Massimo Filippini, Nilkanth Kumar
Pages 39-58
Effectiveness of energy audits in small business organizations
Joachim Schleich, Tobias Fleiter
Pages 59-70
The impacts of the EU ETS on efficiency and economic performance – An empirical analyses for German manufacturing firms
Andreas Löschel, Benjamin Johannes Lutz, Shunsuke Managi
Pages 71-95
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The effect of registration taxes on new car sales and emissions: Evidence from Switzerland
Anna Alberini, Markus Bareit
Pages 96-112