Journal of Monetary Economics, June 2020
Green Table of Contents
Volume 112
Financial integration and growth in a risky world
Nicolas Coeurdacier, Hélène Rey, Pablo Winant
Pages 1-21
The effects of quasi-random monetary experiments
Òscar Jordà, Moritz Schularick, Alan M. Taylor
Pages 22-40
Commodity-price comovement and global economic activity
Ron Alquist, Saroj Bhattarai, Olivier Coibion
Pages 41-56
U.S. monetary policy and emerging market credit cycles
Falk Bräuning, Victoria Ivashina
Pages 57-76
Employment, wages and optimal monetary policy
Martin Bodenstein, Junzhu Zhao
Pages 77-96
The (Unintended?) consequences of the largest liquidity injection ever
Matteo Crosignani, Miguel Faria-e-Castro, Luís Fonseca
Pages 97-112
The safe asset, banking equilibrium, and optimal central bank monetary, prudential and balance-sheet policies
Michael Magill, Martine Quinzii, Jean-Charles Rochet
Pages 113-128
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Why are exchange rates so smooth? A household finance explanation
YiLi Chien, Hanno Lustig, Kanda Naknoi
Pages 129-144