Journal of International Economics, September 2019
Green table of contents
Volume 120
Pages 1-178
Trading off the income gains and the inequality costs of trade policy
Erhan Artuc, Guido Porto, Bob Rijkers
Pages 1-45
Firm size, quality bias and import demand
Joaquin Blaum, Claire Lelarge, Michael Peters
Pages 59-83
Fiscal consolidations and the cost of credit
Şenay Ağca, Deniz Igan
Pages 84-108
Brain drain, informality and inequality: A search-and-matching model for sub-Saharan Africa
Frédéric Docquier, Zainab Iftikhar
Pages 109-125
China's “Great Migration”: The impact of the reduction in trade policy uncertainty
Giovanni Facchini, Maggie Y. Liu, Anna Maria Mayda, Minghai Zhou
Pages 126-144
Geography, competition, and optimal multilateral trade policy
Antonella Nocco, Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano, Matteo Salto
Pages 145-161
Does partisan conflict deter FDI inflows to the US?
Marina Azzimonti
Pages 162-178
US exports and employment
Robert C. Feenstra, Hong Ma, Yuan Xu
Pages 46-58