Journal of Financial Economics
Green Table of Contents
135, Issue 1
1-270 (January 2020)
Dynamic interventions and informational linkages
Lin William Cong,
Steven R. Grenadier, Yunzhi Hu
Pages 1-15
Providing liquidity in an illiquid market: Dealer behavior
in US corporate bonds
Michael A.
Goldstein, Edith S. Hotchkiss
The job rating game: Revolving doors and analyst incentives
Elisabeth Kempf
Pages 41-67
Potential pilot problems: Treatment spillovers in financial
regulatory experiments
Ekkehart Boehmer, Charles M. Jones, Xiaoyan
Pages 68-87
Idea sharing and the performance of mutual funds
Julien Cujean
Pages 88-119
Squaring venture capital valuations with reality
Will Gornall, Ilya A. Strebulaev
Pages 120-143
Exchanges of innovation resources inside venture capital
Pages 144-168
How do venture capitalists make decisions?
Paul A. Gompers,
Will Gornall, Steven N. Kaplan, Ilya A. Strebulaev
Shorting flows, public disclosure, and market efficiency
Xue Wang, Xuemin (Sterling) Yan, Lingling Zheng
Pages 191-212
Anomalies across the globe: Once public, no longer existent?
Heiko Jacobs,
Sebastian Müller
Pages 213-230
Earnings, retained earnings, and book-to-market in the cross
section of expected returns
Ray Ball, Joseph Gerakos, Juhani T. Linnainmaa,
Valeri Nikolaev
Pages 231-254
Time to build and the real-options channel of residential
Hyunseung Oh, Chamna Yoon
Pages 255-269