Course Requirements and Grading
Workload: This is a four credit course and the work load is
substantial. The course is designed with the expectation
that the average student should spend two to three hours per
credit hour, that is eight to twelve hours per week on
homework, reading, and class preparation. Class
attendance is also important, and attendance in section meetings is
essential to passing the
Lectures: During
most lectures, we use remote control "clickers" to
ask simple multiple-choice questions based either on the assigned
reading or on the lecture. You are asked to respond to
these questions by pressing a button on your clicker. Answers
will be registered and recorded. Even if you don't get the
answer right, you will receive some credit for responding. If my
records show that you attended fewer than half of the class
meetings, this will cost you one letter grade. Those who
attend regularly and score well on the clicker questions will receive
extra credit of up to 10 per cent of course grade.
The experiments take place in your section
(Sections will meet during the first week of classes.) To
get credit for participating, you must go to the section for which
you are
registered. Since everybody participates in the classroom experiments,
is important that you show up on time. If
you arrive in section after the experiment materials are handed
out, you will not be allowed to
participate. When we record the results of classroom experiments,
we will
also record attendance and participation. This
affects your overall score for the class.
Laboratory Reports and Homework
Each week you are required to hand
in homework based on the results of in-class experiments and your lab
You can tear out the homework pages from your textbook and hand them in
at the next week's section meeting. You may also copy those pages
and hand in the copies. Homework must be turned
in on time in order for you to receive credit. The data
that you need for your lab notes will be collected from the experiment
conducted in your section and will be made available to you on the web
within three days of the time of the experiment.
There will be two scheduled, in-class
Quiz dates are found in the Schedule
of Lectures and Quizzes. Each quiz is based
the readings, the lab reports and homework on the corresponding
The way to ensure that you do well on the quizzes is to do and
the homework and the readings.
Instructional Gear
You need to purchase a "clicker", officially
known as an InterWrite Personal Response System, RF. These are
available at the cashier island on the main floor of the
Bookstore. Tell them you want the clicker for Econ 1. This is the
only kind of clicker that works for our class. The Turning Point
clickers used in biology will not work.
Low-Tech Stuff
For doing your homework and your lab reports, you will
some colored pens. You will need black, blue, green, and
You will need to purchase 3 No. F1712 scantrons
is the reddish kind where you fill in bubbles for your name and id
not the puny little bluish kind where you just write your name.) and
them with you to scheduled quizzes and exams. You should also
bring a #2 soft lead pencil to mark your scantron. The scanner does not
read black pen marks at all and is not entirely reliable with blue pen
marks. Also, you need to fill in your perm number on your scantron when
you take quizzes and exams. When you get your scantron, you
fill that number in the bubbles for id number.
Computer Spreadsheet
You can save yourself quite a bit of time in doing your
by using a computer spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, which is
on all of the university's public-access computers and is widely
on home computers. If you have never used a spreadsheet before,
this is a good time
to learn a skill that you are likely to find useful for many years.
Basis for Course Grades
Performance in Markets 15%
We will record the payoffs that you received in market
over the course of the quarter. Your profits for any day are scaled
to the average earnings of persons in the class with the same buyer
or seller costs as yours. These scaled profits are called winnings, and
they will vary between 3 and 10. If your profit is in the top 20% of
participants of your same type, your winnings will be 10. If your
profit is in the bottom 10% of participants of your type, your winnings
will be 3. If your profits are above the bottom 10% and below the
20%, your winnings will be linearly related to your profit. In
particular, your winnings will be 3 +7* (your profit - profit of
participant in 10th percentile)/(profit of person in 80th percentile -
profit of person in 10th percentile). If you don't attend an
experiment, your winnings will be zero for that experiment. In
calculating your grade, we will drop your lowest score. The total of
your remaing scores over the term will count
for 15% of your course grade. There is a certain amount of luck
in day-to-day outcomes, but if you participate in all or nearly all
of the market experiments and pay attention to what you are doing, you
are almost certain to do well.
Homework 10%
In order to receive credit for homework, you must
it in on time (that is, at the section meeting following the
Each homework will be scored from zero to 5. Homeworks turned in late
or not turned in at all will receive a zero. In summing your homework
scores, we will drop the lowest score, which could be a zero if you
failed to turn in a homework on time.
Scheduled Quizzes 30%
There will be two in-class quizzes. The dates of
these quizzes are found on
the class schedule. There will be no make-up quizzes.
If you miss one quiz, we will make your final examination score count
for an
additional 15 per cent of your grade. If your schedule does not
allow you to take at least one of the quizzes at the scheduled
time, you should not take Econ 1 this term.
Final Examination 45%
The final exam will cover material from the entire
and will
be offered only at the regularly scheduled time.
Classroom Participation
During most class lectures, I will ask one or
more in-class "clicker questions" based on assigned
or the
current lecture. Some questions asked will be purely
informational and you will get credit for attending class, no matter
what your answer. To answer these questions, you will need
to purchase a radio-frequency clicker at
the bookstore. If you do not attend at least half of the
lectures, this will cost you one letter grade. Students who get
high clicker scores over the course of the term will earn extra
credit. In
calculating your total clicker score, I will drop your two
lowest daily scores.
Grade Distribution
Grading in economics is stricter than in most
subjects. This class will be graded partly according to a
curve and partly by absolute standards. Last term in Econ 1,
about 12% of the class got an A
or A-, about 25% got a grade in the B range, and about 40 %
got a grade in the C range.
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