Journal of Public Economics,  

November,  2020

Green open access version


Fatal attraction? Extended unemployment benefits, labor force exits, and mortality

Andreas Kuhn, Stefan Staubli, Jean-Philippe Wuellrich, Josef Zweimüller



Do place-based tax incentives create jobs?

Hyejin Ku, Uta Schönberg, Ragnhild C. Schreiner

Link (open access)


Inequality in the joint distribution of consumption and time use

Jeehoon Han, Bruce D. Meyer, James X. Sullivan



Inheritance taxation and wealth effects on the labor supply of heirs

Fabian Kindermann, Lukas Mayr, Dominik Sachs



Inequality in socio-emotional skills: A cross-cohort comparison

Orazio Attanasio, Richard Blundell, Gabriella Conti, Giacomo Mason

Link (open access)


Optimal leniency and the organization design of group crime

Giovanni Immordino, Salvatore Piccolo, Paolo Roberti



The impact of COVID-19 on student experiences and expectations: Evidence from a survey

Esteban M. Aucejo, Jacob French, Maria Paola Ugalde Araya, Basit Zafar



Real-time price indices: Inflation spike and falling product variety during the Great Lockdown

Xavier Jaravel, Martin O'Connell

Open access


Community monitoring and crime: Evidence from Chicago's Safe Passage Program

Robert Gonzalez, Sarah Komisarow



Can access to health care mitigate the effects of temperature on mortality?

Jamie T. Mullins, Corey White



Human mobility restrictions and the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China

Hanming Fang, Long Wang, Yang Yang



US unemployment insurance replacement rates during the pandemic

Peter Ganong, Pascal Noel, Joseph Vavra



Economic uncertainty before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dave Altig, Scott Baker, Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, ... Gregory Thwaites



Labor market concerns and support for immigration

Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth



Polarization and public health: Partisan differences in social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic

Hunt Allcott, Levi Boxell, Jacob Conway, Matthew Gentzkow, ... David Yang



How much to save? Decision costs and retirement plan participation

Jacob Goldin, Tatiana Homonoff, Richard Patterson, William Skimmyhorn



Misaligned incentives and the scale of incarceration in the United States

Aurélie Ouss




My (running) mate, the mayor: Political ties and access to public sector jobs in Ecuador

Pablo Brassiolo, Ricardo Estrada, Gustavo Fajardo



How can Bill and Melinda Gates increase other people's donations to fund public goods?

Dean Karlan, John A. List
