Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

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Volume 168

Pages 1-452 (December 2019)


Take it or leave it: Experimental evidence on the effect of time-limited offers on consumer behaviour

Robert Sugden, Mengjie Wang, Daniel John Zizzo

Pages 1-23

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Wage fairness in a subcontracted labor market

Arnab K. Basu, Nancy H. Chau, Vidhya Soundararajan

Pages 24-42

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Adaptive loss aversion and market experience

Luke Lindsay

Pages 43-61

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Prospective gain-loss utility: Ordered versus separated comparison

Michaela Pagel

Pages 62-75

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Choking under pressure: Evidence of the causal effect of audience on performance

RenŽ Bšheim, Dominik GrŸbl, Mario Lackner

Pages 76-93

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How does oversight affect police? Evidence from the police misconduct reform

Wei Long

Pages 94-118

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Terrorism, immigration, and asylum approval

Abel Brodeur, Taylor Wright

Pages 119-131

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Political polarization and selection in representative democracies

Dominik Duell, Justin Valasek

Pages 132-165

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Long-lasting effects of relative age at school

Lionel Page, Dipanwita Sarkar, Juliana Silva-Goncalves

Pages 166-195

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Intermediation and discrimination in an investment game: An experimental study

Franois Cochard, Alexandre Flage, Emmanuel Peterle

Pages 196-208

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Happiness, cooperation and language

Eugenio Proto, Daniel Sgroi, Mahnaz Nazneen

Pages 209-228

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The political economy of collective memories: Evidence from Russian politics

Alessandro Belmonte, Michael Rochlitz

Pages 229-250

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A man of his word? An experiment on gender differences in promise keeping

Janina Kleinknecht

Pages 251-268


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A Lipsetian theory of voluntary power handover

Raouf Boucekkine, Paolo G. Piacquadio, Fabien Prieur

Pages 269-291

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Election fairness and government legitimacy in Afghanistan

Eli Berman, Michael Callen, Clark C. Gibson, James D. Long, Arman Rezaee

Pages 292-317

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Relative age effect on European adolescentsŐ social network

Luca Fumarco, Stijn Baert

Pages 318-337

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Social comparisons in job search

Jingcheng Fu, Martin Sefton, Richard Upward

Pages 338-361

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A prospect-theory model of voter turnout

Oliver Herrmann, Richard Jong-A-Pin, Lambert Schoonbeek

Pages 362-373

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Longer, more optimistic, lives: Historic optimism and life expectancy in the United States

Kelsey J. O'Connor, Carol Graham

Pages 374-392

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Exposure to half-dressed women and economic behavior

Evelina Bonnier, Anna Dreber, Karin Hederos, Anna Sandberg

Pages 393-418

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Why pay for jobs (and not for tasks)?

Achim I. Czerny, Mogens Fosgerau, Peter-J. Jost, Jos N. van Ommeren

Pages 419-433


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Non-economic factors in violence: Evidence from organized crime, suicides and climate in Mexico

Ceren Baysan, Marshall Burke, Felipe Gonz‡lez, Solomon Hsiang, Edward Miguel

Pages 434-452

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