
The main textbook for this course:

Experiments with Economic Principles: Microeconomics, 2nd Edition

by Theodore C. Bergstrom and John H. Miller.

ISSN: 0-07-229518-X

The second textbook for the course is available on line for free at

Introduction to Economic Analysis

by R. Preston McAfee

If you want a printed copy you can get order one at
http://www.introecon.com/    for $11 plus shipping.
(Shipping is about $4.00 for regular mail, $10 for UPS.)


You  must also purchase an Interwrite Personal Response System radio frequency clicker.  They are available at the UC Bookstore.  Here is what they look like.

These are required for class and will be used for in class responses.   There are some other brands of clickers circulating on campus. These will not work.  Tell the UC Bookstore that you want a clicker for Econ 1 and they will get you the right kind.

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